David Kopyto
- Job title: Researcher
- Organization: Department of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology
- Working group: Chair of Digital Health
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-23608
- Email: david.kopyto@fau.de
- Address: Henkestraße 91, Haus 7, 1. OG
91052 Erlangen
GermanyRoom 371
David Kopyto was born near Munich and started his Bachelor studies in electrical engineering at FAU Erlangen in 2014. After already focusing on signal processing, he dived deeper into this field by joining the Master program “Advanced Signal Processing and Communications Engineering” in Erlangen which is part of the Elite Network of Bavaria.
During his studies, he put emphasis on audio signal processing and machine learning, which he put into practice in student jobs at Sivantos Group Erlangen, as well as the International Audio Laboratories Erlangen. Furthermore, David completed a research stay at Universidad Carlos III Madrid in 2019, where he researched compressed sensing methods applied to antenna arrays in the context of 5G.
His research interests are in applying signal processing and machine learning algorithms to different kinds of time-series. This gave rise to starting a PhD in the field of automatic dietary monitoring (ADM) at the Chair of Digital Health. His goal is to analyze time-series data of recorded chewing events in order to make nutrition monitoring more convenient for daily use.
"Audio-Based Onset Detection applied to Chewing Cycle Segmentation", ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Association for Computing Machinery, September 21, 2021.
,"AIM in Eating Disorders", Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Springer International Publishing, 2021.