
A Bayesian Hierarchical Mixture Of Experts Approach To Estimate Speech Quality

Publication Type Conference Paper
Authors Iman Mossavat, Oliver Amft, Bert de Vries, Petko Petkov, Bastiaan Kleijn
Title A Bayesian Hierarchical Mixture Of Experts Approach To Estimate Speech Quality
Abstract This paper demonstrates the potential of theoretically motivated learning methods in solving the problem of non-intrusive quality estimation for which the state-of-the-art is presented by ITU.563 standard. To construct our estimator, we adopt the speech features from ITU.563, while we use a different mapping of features to form quality estimates. In contrast to ITU.563 which assumes distortion-classes to divide the feature space, our approach divides the feature space based on a clustering which is learned from the data using Bayesian inference. Despite using weaker modeling assumptions, we are still able to achieve comparable accuracy on predicting mean-opinion-scores with ITU.563. Our work suggests Bayesian model-evidence as an alternative metric to correlation-coefficient for determining the necessary number of experts for modeling the data.
Date 2010
Proceedings Title QoMEX 2010: Second International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience
Publisher IEEE Signal Processing Society
Pages 200–205
DOI 10.1109/QOMEX.2010.5516203
Extra Nominated for best student paper award:
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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg