
ShowSearch Publications
Number of publications: 219

David Bannach, Kai Kunze, Paul Lukowicz, Oliver Amft, "Distributed Modular Toolbox for Multi-modal Context Recognition", ARCS 2006: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, Springer, March 2006.


Oliver Amft, Holger Junker, Gerhard Tröster, "Detection of eating and drinking arm gestures using inertial body-worn sensors", ISWC 2005: IEEE Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Wearable Computers, IEEE Press, October 2005.

Oliver Amft, Mathias Stäger, Paul Lukowicz, Gerhard Tröster, "Analysis of Chewing Sounds for Dietary Monitoring", UbiComp 2005: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, September 2005.

Oliver Amft, Gerhard Tröster, "Automated human dietary monitoring by fusing physiologic information", CIHP 2005: Symposium of the Centre for Integrative Human Physiology, September 2005.

Julian F. Randall, Oliver Amft, Gerhard Tröster, "Towards Luxtrace: Using solar cells to measure distance indoors", LOCA 2005: Proceedings of the International Conference on Location and Context awareness, Springer, May 2005.

Oliver Amft, Julian Randall, Gerhard Tröster, "Towards LuxTrace: Using solar cells to support human position tracking", IFAWC 2005: Proceedings of Second International Forum on Applied Wearable Computing, Zürich, Switzerland, Springer, March 2005.


Julian Randall, Oliver Amft, Gerhard Tröster, "Location by solar cells: an experiment plan", Proceedings of the Student and Newbie Colloquium of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, November 2004.

Oliver Amft, Michael Lauffer, Stijn Ossevoort, Fabrizio Macaluso, Paul Lukowicz, Gerhard Tröster, "Design of the QBIC wearable computing platform", ASAP 2004: Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, IEEE, September 2004.

Paul Lukowicz, Oliver Amft, David Bannach, Gerhard Tröster, "Heterogeneous, Distributed On Body Computing in the WearIt@Work Project", Proceedings of the International IEEE Conference in Mechatronics and Robotics, IEEE, April 2004.


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg