Health Markers

Category: Health Markers

Wearable sensor technology, particularly inertial measurement sensors are used in various motion analysis including applications in sport, medicine, and rehabilitation of patients after stroke. We are interested in deriving biomarkers to evaluate the patient’s recovery trend, motion performance and...

Category: Health Markers

An emerging number of  methods are proposed for eating event detection. To assess the detection performance, evaluation metrics such as precision, recall and F1 score are commonly used. However, these popular metrics only give overview of event retrieval performance and do not tell people the absolu...

Category: Health Markers

Almost one third of our lives is spent sleeping and yet many of us struggle finding consistent high-quality sleep. At the same time, smartphones have become our ubiquitous companions, filled with sensors, processing power, and wireless connectivity. Our proposed sleep timing estimation approach uses smartphone sensor information to estimate daily sleep timing.

Category: Health Markers

Chewing is a core component of the intake process and micro-structure. Our early work focused on wearable/implant devices worn at/in the ear canal to capture food breakdown sounds conducted from mandible to skull. We found that the sounds are characteristic for certain foods and food types due to th...

Category: Health Markers

The characteristic movement patterns during intake were first discussed in our 2005 paper on detection of eating and drinking gestures. The approach in most follow-up work has been to measure movements using inertial sensors attached to the wrist. Our work focused on developing spotting methods to i...

Category: Health Markers

Nutrition is fundamental to health and paces everyday routines. Dietary monitoring is needed in many healthcare areas, from diabetes and dementia to overweight and obesity.  Our research aims to design effective and practical sensor devices and signal pattern analysis algorithms that explain diet-re...

Category: Health Markers

CDH Activities This work is a collaboration of our previous affiliation at the Univeristy of Passau and the Sports centre of the University of Passau. Innovation Nordic Walking is a complex sport including interactions between upper and lower-body. Nordic Walking provides many health benefits, i...

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg